"ELDEN RING: The Road to the Erdtree" (manga by Nikiichi Tobita) is a serialized gag manga work that interprets the world of "ELDEN RING" in its own unique way. On May 4, the latest episode 22 has been released, on the free web magazine "COMIC Hu."

ギャグ漫画『ELDEN RING 黄金樹への道』第22話公開。輝石鍵を入手した褪夫をさらなる出会いが待つ!

This manga is simultaneously or nearly simultaneously released in 12 different languages, including English, Traditional Chinese, and Japanese. The work can be enjoyed almost simultaneously around the world.

Click here to read "ELDEN RING: The Road to the Erdtree" (Comic Walker, Japanese version)
Click here to read "ELDEN RING: The Road to the Erdtree" (Comic Walker, English version)
Click here to read "ELDEN RING: The Road to the Erdtree" (Nico Nico Seiga)

Here are a few scenes from the episode 22!

Episode 21

After splendidly defeating Glintstone Dragon Smarag, Aseo finally obtains the "Academy Glintstone Key." After saying goodbye to Patches, Rya and Blackguard Big Boggart for now, he heads for the Academy Gate Town. There, he finds a lone man mourning the death of a woman....

ギャグ漫画『ELDEN RING 黄金樹への道』第22話公開。輝石鍵を入手した褪夫をさらなる出会いが待つ!
ギャグ漫画『ELDEN RING 黄金樹への道』第22話公開。輝石鍵を入手した褪夫をさらなる出会いが待つ!

"ELDEN RING: The Road to the Erdtree" information

Information about the work

  • Title: "ELDEN RING: The Road to the Erdtree":
  • Manga artist: Nikiichi Tobita
  • Based on the video game, ELDEN RING, by FromSoftware Co., Ltd.
  • Scheduled to be updated on the 4th and 19th of each month on the free web magazine "COMIC Hu"


Aseo, a poor, Tarnished wretch, finds himself cast out into Limgrave—naked, penniless, hopeless, and maidenless. His only hope in his harsh, unforgiving new home is a mysterious woman named Melina. She urges him to follow the guidance of grace to the Erdtree that looms over the Lands Between. But it won't be an easy road; a cast of colorful characters awaits Aseo along the way—Patches the Untethered, Blaidd the Half-Wolf, Margit the Fell Omen, Godrick the Grafted, and of course, Ranni the Witch... Barely escaping alive in Limgrave, will Aseo be able to reach his destination, the Erdtree?

Introduction of Characters


He is a Tarnished wretch who has collapsed in Limgrave. While suffering from amnesia, he meets Melina and is guided by her to the Erdtree. After some twists and turns, he obtains the Godrick's Great Rune. Lately, he has just single-handedly defeated Glintstone Dragon Smarag, and demonstrated that he’s definitely evolving as a Tarnished !!

ギャグ漫画『ELDEN RING 黄金樹への道』第22話公開。輝石鍵を入手した褪夫をさらなる出会いが待つ!


She is a mysterious girl who appears before Aseo and asks him to take her to the foot of the Erdtree. Subsequently, appreciating Aseo after his victory over Godrick, she leads him to the Roundtable Hold.

ギャグ漫画『ELDEN RING 黄金樹への道』第22話公開。輝石鍵を入手した褪夫をさらなる出会いが待つ!


A girl that Aseo meets in Liurnia of the Lakes. Her precious necklace has been stolen by the Thug and she asks Aseo to retrieve it.

ギャグ漫画『ELDEN RING 黄金樹への道』第22話公開。輝石鍵を入手した褪夫をさらなる出会いが待つ!

Patches the Untethered

Patches is a ringleader of highwaymen. Having been appeared in front of Aseo in Limgrave, he once again shows up in Liurnia of the Lakes.

ギャグ漫画『ELDEN RING 黄金樹への道』第22話公開。輝石鍵を入手した褪夫をさらなる出会いが待つ!

Blackguard Big Boggart

He is the man who has robbed Rya's necklace and is selling boiled prawns in Liurnia of the Lakes.

ギャグ漫画『ELDEN RING 黄金樹への道』第22話公開。輝石鍵を入手した褪夫をさらなる出会いが待つ!

Glintstone Dragon Smarag

This Giant dragons in Liurnia of the Lakes attacks Aseo making full use of his sorcery and breath.

ギャグ漫画『ELDEN RING 黄金樹への道』第22話公開。輝石鍵を入手した褪夫をさらなる出会いが待つ!

"ELDEN RING: The Road to the Erdtree" Supported Languages / Distribution Publishers

ギャグ漫画『ELDEN RING 黄金樹への道』第22話公開。輝石鍵を入手した褪夫をさらなる出会いが待つ!

Yen Press, LLC (English version available only through Comic Walker)
■Traditional Chinese
Taiwan Kadokawa Co. Ltd. (BOOKWALKER)
■Thai language
kadokawa amarin company limited (episode 1)
■Korean language
YoungsangPublishing MEDIA, INC. (Web site)
Mana Books (episode 1) (episode 2)
■German language
Altraverse GmbH (episode 1) (episode 2)
PANINI S.p.A. (episode 1) (episode 2)
■Spanish (Spain)
NORMA Editorial S.A. (episode 1) (episode 2)
■Spanish (Latin America)
Panini Mexico S.A. (episode 1)
■Polish (Poland)
STUDIO JG (Web site)
Panini BrasilLtda. (episode 1) (episode 2)

Although simultaneous release with the Japanese version of the film is scheduled, there may be a slight delay due to circumstances in each language. Please refer to the announcement of applicable publisher for details.

Click here to purchase "ELDEN RING OFFICIAL ART BOOK Volume I" (Amazon.co.jp) Click here to purchase "ELDEN RING OFFICIAL ART BOOK Volume II" (Amazon.co.jp)

This article is an English translation of an article from Famitsu.com which is distributed on a trial basis. The article prepared in Japanese based on information in Japan has been automatically translated using the "DeepL" translation tool. For inquiries regarding the translated English article, please use the "Inquiry Form". Please keep in mind that inquiries will only be accepted in the Japanese language.